The Atomic Scattering Factors

H He
Li* Be* B C N O F Ne
Na Mg* Al* Si* P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc* Ti* V Cr* Mn Fe* Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y* Zr* Nb* Mo* Tc Ru* Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La* Hf Ta* W* Re Os Ir Pt* Au* Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd* Tb Dy Ho Er* Tm Yb Lu
Th Pa U

Download the current files for all 92 elements.
Download the 1994 files.

* Updates

Element Region (eV) Date Reference
Pt 0.1-800 Aug 2023 Regina Soufli, Franck Delmotte, Julia Meyer-Ilse, Farhad Salmassi, Nicolai Brejnholt, Sonny Massahi, David Girou, Finn Christensen, Eric Gullikson, J. Appl. Phys. 125, 085106 (2019).
Cr 0.4-813 Aug 2023 Franck Delmotte, Julia Meyer-Ilse, Farhad Salmassi, Regina Soufli, Catherine Burcklen, Jennifer Rebellato, Arnaud Jerome, Ian Vickridge, Emrick Briand, Eric Gullikson, J. Appl. Phys. 124, 035107 (2018).
Nb 10-1000 Aug 2023 Updated values based on transmission measurements performed at ALS beamline 6.3.2.
Y 50-1300 Aug 2023 Benjawan Sae-Lao and Regina Soufli. Measurements of the refractive index of yttrium in the 50-1300-eV region. Applied Optics 41, 7309 (Dec 2002).
Er 3-1580 Aug 2023 Juan Larruquert et al. Transmittance and optical constants of erbium films in the 3.25 - 1580 eV spectral range. Applied Optics 50, 2211 (May 2011).
Mg 10-1300 Jan 2011 Manuela Vidal-Dasilva, Andrew L. Aquila, Eric M. Gullikson, Farhad Salmassi, Juan I. Larruquert. Optical constants of magnetron-sputtered magnesium films in the 25-1300 eV energy range. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063517 (2010).
Zr 20-1000 April 2010 Updated values based on transmission measurements performed at ALS beamline 6.3.2.
Ta 20-1000 2009 Updated values based on transmission measurements performed at ALS beamline 6.3.2.
La 14-440 June 2007 J.F. Seely, Yu.A. Uspenskii, B. Kjornrattanawanich and D.L. Windt. Coated Photodiode Technique for the Determination of the Optical Constants of Reactive Elements: La and Tb. SPIE Proceedings 6317, OT (August 2006).
Gd 12-450 June 2007 B. Kjornrattanawanich, D.L. Windt, Yu.A. Uspenskii, and J.F. Seely. Optical Constants Determination of Neodymiun and Gadolinium in the 3 nm to 100 nm wavelength range. SPIE Proceedings 6317, OU (August 2006).
Sc 50-1300 April 2006 A.L. Aquila, F. Salmassi, E.M. Gullikson, F. Eriksson, J. Birch. Measurements of the Optical Constants of Scandium in the 50-1300eV Range. SPIE Proceedings 5538, 64 (July 2004).
Sc 20-70 April 2006 Yu.A. Uspenskii, J.F. Seely, N.I. Popov, A.V. Vinogradov, Yu.P. Pershin V.V. Kondratenko. Efficient method for the determination of extreme ultraviolet optical constants in reactive materials: application to scandium and titanium. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21, 298 (2004).
Ti 20-150 Aug 2004 Yu.A. Uspenskii, J.F. Seely, N.I. Popov, A.V. Vinogradov, Yu.P. Pershin V.V. Kondratenko. Efficient method for the determination of extreme ultraviolet optical constants in reactive materials: application to scandium and titanium. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21, 298 (2004).
Ru 40-1300 Aug 2004 U. Schlegel. Determination of the optical constants of Ruthenium in the EUV and soft x-ray region using synchrotron radiation. Diploma thesis, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin (May 2000).
W 35-150 Aug 2004 C. Tarrio, R. N. Watts, T.B. Lucatorto, J.M. Slaughter, C.M. Falco. Optical constants of in situ-deposited films of important extreme-ultraviolet multilayer mirror materials. Applied Optics 37, 4100 (1998).
Mo 25-60 Aug 2004 C. Tarrio, R. N. Watts, T.B. Lucatorto, J.M. Slaughter, C.M. Falco. Optical constants of in situ-deposited films of important extreme-ultraviolet multilayer mirror materials. Applied Optics 37, 4100 (1998).
Be 40-250 Aug 2004 R. Soufli, S. Bajt and E.M. Gullikson. Optical constants of beryllium from photoabsorption measurements for X-ray optics applications. SPIE Proceedings 3767, 251-8 (1999).
Mo 10-930 Nov 1997 R. Soufli and E. M. Gullikson. Absolute photoabsorption measurements of molybdenum in the range 60 to 930 eV for optical constant determination. Applied Optics 37, 1713-1719 (1998).
Fe 600-800 Oct 1995 Revised data in the vicinity of the L edge.
Si 30-500 June 1995 R. Soufli and E. M. Gullikson. Reflectance measurements on clean surfaces for the determination of optical constants of silicon in the EUV/soft x-ray region. Applied Optics 36, 5499-5507 (1997).
Au 2000-6500 July 1994 C. S. Nelson, T. H. Markert, Y. S. Song, H. L. Marshall, M. L. Schattenburg, D. E. Graessle, K. A. Flanagan, R. L. Blake, J. Bauer, E. M. Gullikson. Efficiency measurements and modeling of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) high-energy transmission gratings. Proceedings of the SPIE Vol. 2280, 191-203 (July 1994).
Mg, Al, Si 30-200 Jan 1994 E. M. Gullikson, P. Denham, S. Mrowka, J. H. Underwood, "Absolute photoabsorption measurements of Mg, Al, and Si in the soft-X-ray region below the L2,3 edges", Physical Review B 49, 16283-8 (15 June 1994).
Li 2000-30000 Nov 1994 Corrected data above 2000 eV for Compton cross section.

Download the data files

Tab delimited ASCII data files for the individual elements are available from the periodic table above. The files contain three columns of data: Energy(eV), f1, f2. There are 500+ points on a uniform logarithmic mesh from 10 to 30,000 eV with points added 0.1 eV above and below sharp absorption edges. Note that the revised values of f1 will have changed over a somewhat larger energy region in the vicinity of sharp edges. For some elements data on a finer mesh includes structure around absorption edges. (Below 29 eV f1 is set equal to -9999.)